Costa Vayenas

Costa on the future ‘Many discoveries are waiting to be made.‘ Meet Costa My view that digitalisation is leading to a disintermediation also at the level of the state is discussed in my book Democracy in the digital age: How we will vote and what we will vote about (2017). Having covered the emerging markets professionally for…

Dasha Krivonos

Dasha on the future ‘Futures are multiple up until they are the present.’ Meet Dasha An economist by training but a curious soul by nature, I believe that staying abreast of current developments and looking beyond the immediate planning horizon is equally essential for manoeuvring through uncertainties of the future. Having grown up behind the…

Venkat Venkatraman

Venkat on the future ‘As a strategist and futurist, I believe that we are at an interesting inflection point: tested and proven modes of creating and capturing value in economies reflecting the industrial age are challenged by new relatively unproven but potentially exciting models that are born with digital technologies at the core. What does…

Tim Reeves

Tim on the future ‘The future is an opportunity and a responsibility.’ Meet Tim I am passionate about the development of leaders and using experiential learning to grow talent. I have been designing, developing and delivering learning simulations for 25 years as a consultant in the learning space. My goal is always to combine rich,…