By Martin Daubney, Partner at Supertrends Institute
Everyone has intuition – Whether you realise it or not, several benefits come with listening to your intuition.
I heard a story last night while attending a webinar. It wasn’t a webinar about intuition but the lady sharing her story described a time when she knew broadly what she had to do, she also recognised she needed help to do it. The problem for her was that the source of that help just wasn’t obvious. So, in short, she sat at her home desk, where she’s sat many times before and just relaxed herself down and asked … “what can I do and where can I find help?” After a few minutes she opened her eyes and looked at her bookshelf and her eyes caught the attention of a single book. She pulled the book off the shelf and opened it at a random page. On that double page spread there was a paragraph she was drawn to that described an organisation where she would get the help she was looking for, so she went for it, discovered more about that organisation and never looked back.
Now this sounds like a magician’s trick where you look at a word on a page and the magi can Devine your thoughts to reveal that word, but no. This wasn’t a magic trick. The book in question had been on her bookshelf for quite some time. She might have read it or not (I know I have books on my shelf I still intend to read) but the biggest “wow” for me is that the book opens on the page, the only page in the whole book, where the organisation she ends up getting her help from was mentioned – In this case, asking her intuition for direction worked.
Intuition works in various ways …
If you’re not ready to ask your intuition for advice, then the number one reason you will benefit from listening to it is to avoid certain dangers. Your intuition will warn you before something bad happens. You may know that you can always see the “writing on the wall”. This also applies to health conditions that may be serious or at least need your attention – so tune into your intuition to avoid certain catastrophe before it happens.
Three direct benefits that your Intuition provides to you
Decision making becomes easier
Making decisions isn’t always easy in life, but when you spend time tapping into your intuition before you make a decision, this can make the decision significantly easier. Not only that, but since your intuition invariably knows more than you realize you actually ‘know’, this can help you to avoid regret and other unsavoury results of making the wrong decision. You also won’t dread decisions as you used to because you will trust yourself to make the right one, and if you do discover you didn’t get it right … make a new decision and change whatever is wrong. After all, whenever we take a decision, it will have an impact on furniture events – sometimes in the short term sometimes even further away. The more you get your intuition to guide your decision making the more predictable your future will be and the more you will feel in charge of your future.
You Will Be More Mindful
A huge aspect of intuition is to just listen to your body when it is trying to tell you something. Not only does this help you to tune in to your intuition, but it will also make you more mindful. You will think more about the health of your mind and body as you go about your day. Because you are paying attention to how you feel, you will start to notice when a certain food doesn’t make you feel good. You will also notice how great exercise makes you feel. These feelings will lead to you making healthier, more mindful choices in your life.
Your Confidence Will Grow
When you listen to your intuition, avoid danger, and make decisions with ease, you will be more confident in yourself and your life. A little additional confidence can go a long way as it can lead to you getting that job you want, or maybe even meeting the person you used to fear. Thanks to taking a little time to listen to your intuition, now you can have the confidence you need to achieve more success on your future path!
Overall, there are numerous benefits to listening to your intuition, even more than those listed here! So, if you are ready to transform your life, decision making, and avoid danger, then it’s time to listen to your intuition today!
Did you know that there are four types of intuition?
It turns out there are, and the four of them work together to keep your life running smoothly and send you alerts when things might be about to go wrong.
Situational Intuition
Situational intuition is probably the form of intuition that you may be most familiar with. Your subconscious evaluates your environment in situational intuition, taking in details that you aren’t necessarily always noticing. Then, if your subconscious begins to notice that something isn’t right, it will warn you. This type of intuition warns you not to walk down a street one night even though you may have walked down the street 100 times before.
Relational Intuition
Have you ever just had a bad feeling about someone? I know I have, and I found out I was right! Maybe that you think that you cannot trust them? This is known as relational intuition. Your body gathers this information from tone of voice, body language, and a myriad of other non-spoken aspects of a person that you may not be actively paying attention to. Scientists from Intuitionology have found that it only takes 14 seconds for your intuition to decide whether or not to trust someone when it can take your conscious mind much longer.
Experiential Intuition
This form of intuition is just what it sounds like. It is the part of your intuition that draws off experiences you’ve had in the past, pattern matching them with things that are happening in the present. This part of your intuition is responsible for ensuring that you don’t fall into the same trap or make the same mistake twice.
Creative Intuition
Creative Intuition is perhaps the least known of the four types of intuition, but it is most well-known for its prevalence in business. Have you ever just had a feeling that you needed to do or create something specific? This feeling is your creative intuition trying to lead you in the right direction. It pulls information from all other forms of intuition to help you make creative decisions that are best for you and your success.
Listening to your intuition can be hard but narrowing down the type of intuition you are experiencing can help you understand it a little better and realise what your body is trying to tell you. No matter what type of intuition you are experiencing, remember that you should always listen to it when it tries to tell you to do something or go in a certain direction – after all, your intuition knows best!
Written by Martin Daubney, leadership development coach and mentor, founder of Inspire Coaching.